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Review - The Magic of Making Up

"The Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson is an e-book about fixing relationships. It's targeted towards after the break up situations but is also good for refreshing your ongoing relationship, or reviving it from long gone divorce.

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The book of 62 pages is divided into 8 chapters (see image on the left).

Before the chapters, there's a short introduction which briefly covers what the book talks about. The introduction concludes with dividing the book into 4 parts - an action plan that you will take in order the achieve the sole goal - get your ex back. The parts are: understanding, getting your head straight, assessing your situation, and working out the plan. Every part is detailed in the chapters of the book.

First chapter is all about explaining you what has happened, helping you realize what you possibly did wrong and what your partner possibly did wrong. The chapter seeks to explain you the rationality of your break up and why it didn't came out of the blue.

In chapter 2 author tries to calm you down, help you set your mind straight and get you out of the blues. He explains you why you feel the way you do, what to do to feel better and why it is important to get over these feelings. In closing of the chapter a technique called "fast forward technique" is introduced.

In the third chapter T.W. Jackson invites you to analyze your relationship and what went wrong. More specifically this chapter is about deciding whether your relationship can be saved or not, and if it's worth the effort. An exceptional attention is paid to infidelity and how it can affect your decision.

Chapter 4 is the first step of your action plan. In this chapter author explains that you should start working on yourself and gives advice on what possibilities you have. Starting with body and ending with your mind, author goes through each aspect of you and what you might change in yourself to help you ignite the spark of passion and desire between you and your partner.

Chapter 5 talks about dating other people. From your and your partners perspective. It explains you how dating other people can help you and what to do if your ex is dating someone else.

The big step comes in chapter number 6. I would say it's one of the most important chapters if not the most important. In it, author walks you through every single step you have to make for the first contact with your ex, what to say, how to say, what to do on your date, what to do if it goes wrong, what to do if it goes right, etc. The final goal of this chapter is to have your ex back!

After getting back or how to live happily ever after - chapter 7. After getting back together it's important not to fall out again and repeat the tragedy all over again. In this chapter the necessary precautions are explained. This chapter is also good for the couples who may have not been separated but are having trouble with their relationship.

Finally, chapter 8. In this chapter T.W. Jacksons talks about what to do if your relationship after all cannot be saved.

The book comes with bonuses such as "The Clean Slate Method", videos of T.W. Jackson himself answering reader questions and giving tips, as well as the audio version of the book.

To sum up, "The Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson is a comprehensive guide to saving or refreshing your relationship. Being only 62 pages long the book avoids fluff content and goes straight to the point, making it an interesting read that will never bore you. It holds your hand from the beginning to the end, telling you what to do exactly in the hardest moments.

The general feedback about the book on the internet as well as author's dedication to record videos (he has an ongoing series on Youtube) and answer reader emails adds a great value. If you have problems with your relationship and you don't want to spend hours in library or spend hundreds of dollars for counseling, this e-book is worth to have a look.

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